"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."  ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
I seem to spend all my time these days with my newest and best friend, my laptop.  Between last night and today I have spent hours and hours viewing copyright rules and guidelines and understanding what an AUP is (Acceptable Use Policy).
In regards to copyright rules, a person cannot take any image off the web and put it into a creation to call their own. For a work to be copyrighted, a person must create an original work in a tangible form. It seems to me that everything would be copyrighted. What do we do if we want to use something we see and like that belongs to another person? Just ask permission to use it.
Acceptable Use Policies are needed in every school that uses a computer. This policy protects the school as well as the individual. Acceptable Use Policy's must have 6 elements. They must explain why it is needed, define key words used in the policy, have a policy statement, have a section devoted to acceptable uses, and a section that explains how students can report violations. What does your school's AUP look like?
Here are some websites that will give you more information.
Please let me know your thoughts!

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